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Fonic Lidl mobile Mobilfunk-Anbieter im Test der Fachmagazine

  • „sehr gut“

    Preis/Leistung: 100 von 100 Punkten

    Platz 1 von 6

    „... So übersichtlich wie die Webseite ist auch das Angebot: 19,99 Euro monatlich für Telefon- und SMS-Flat plus 500 Megabyte Highspeed-Datenvolumen ... In Sachen Hotline hält sich Lidl Mobile bedeckt, und auch vom sonstigen Support ist nicht viel Hilfe zu erwarten – ein paar dürre FAQs müssen hier genügen. ...“

  • „ausreichend“ (57 von 100 Punkten)

    Platz 6 von 6

    „... Die Mitarbeiter wussten zwar oft Bescheid, doch hielten sie sich bei speziellen Fragen erst gar nicht mit Recherche auf, sondern verwiesen den Anrufer auf den Gerätehersteller oder gleich aufs Web. Doch zum guten Service gehört nun mal auch der nötige Einsatz, um den Kunden zufriedenzustellen. ... Richtig patzte Fonic aber beim E-Mail-Service: Von zehn Fragen wurden gerade mal drei beantwortet, und das erst nach drei Tagen.“

  • 43,3%

    Platz 12 von 14

    Serviceanalyse (50%): 0%;
    Konditionenanalyse (50%): 86,6%.

Kundenmeinung (1) zu Fonic Lidl mobile Mobilfunk-Anbieter

1,0 Stern

1 Meinung in 1 Quelle

5 Sterne
0 (0%)
4 Sterne
0 (0%)
3 Sterne
0 (0%)
2 Sterne
0 (0%)
1 Stern
1 (100%)

1,0 Stern

1 Meinung bei lesen

  • von Andddddddddd

    Non existent customer service

    • Nachteile: besonders schlecht und langsam bei Kündigungen, E-Mails werden kaum beantwortet, E-Mails bleiben unbeantwortet, Anfragen per Kontaktformular werden ignoriert
    For years I used the service and things were mediocre. I went to Switzerland once and it drained all of the money in my account without me even opening my phone which was a bummer but I never said anything. Then it happened again except I had at least 6 months of credit in my account and they took all of it and I didn't even spend the night outside of the EU. The customer service is why I decided to finally make the switch to a competing service, which is cheaper anyways. When I messaged them they didn't even acknowledge my concern, instead they sent me a bigger bill, then charged my bank multiple times resulting in my bank charging me plus them. Then they offered me a measly sum of money which covered the overcharging (but not the credit that was taken from me) and since then eveyrthing just continues to get worse. I was under the impression I had plenty of credit in my account (although their website hardly works so it's hard to understand what's even going on especially when you cant see a history of the charges) and all of a sudden, I'm on my way out of town and my phone suddenly couldn't connect and now my number is out of service. The website stopped functioning and only told me to call them which I couldn't do because apparently my number doesn't exist anymore. I've been missing calls for over a week and instead of helping me the don't address any of my concerns or their lack of infrastructure and instead send me a HUGE bill without explaining what it's for - then the take absolutely forever to answer emails (and I can't call them!!!). Honestly I couldn't imagine a bigger nightmare and I can't wait until my number is ported into a new service and i never have to deal with this joke a company ever again

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